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To reduce the risk of infection to our patients and staff, we are following CDC recommendations and taking the following precautions.

*We are seeing patients only at this time and strongly advise all visitors to stay home or in the car, this includes children. If you are a minor you can bring one (1) adult with you to your appointment.

*OB patients will be allowed one (1) support person to critical ultrasound appointments. This person will need to undergo appropriate screening and upon completion of ultrasound must return to the vehicle.

*If you or a close family member has a cough, fever (100.4 or above), difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath, or gastrointestinal symptoms, we strongly encourage you to call the office before your visit for further recommendations.

*Patients will be screened at the entrance of the office building for symptoms and temperature will be taken.

*We currently have the option for telemedicine visits and are working diligently to get more people switched to this type of visit.

*Any patient that is able to reschedule their appointment for 2-4 weeks from now is encouraged to call the office Monday-Thursday 8:30 am through 4:30 pm.

*Our patients who are >60 yrs old, we recommend rescheduling their routine GYN appointments or switching to Telemedicine if appropriate. Please keep your appointment if there is an urgent issue that can not be completed over Telemedicine.

*OB patients with any concerns with upcoming appointments please call our office.

We will continue to update you with further information as it comes along. Please continue to follow our social media posts for further updates.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation at this time.

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